Borgo Egnazia

Tavolo Regionale di Coordinamento No G7

What a shame! Brindisi is a city of Peace, not of War
Che vergogna! Brindisi è una città di Pace, non di Guerra

The shame that we Brindisi have to suffer for the G7 is truly unacceptable and humiliating towards the whole world: Brindisi has always been a city of peace, with all the peace missions carried out in the world by our Navy, from Lebanon to Afghanistan.

We ask all Brindisi in the red zone to display peace flags or white flags on their balconies, as requested by Pope Francis, or white sheets to make these warmongering G7s, who will speak at the Dinner at the Castello Svevo only about wars, weapons, how to attack Russia, and the Third World War, understand that Brindisi is a city of Peace.
It is first of all unconstitutional, because the art. 11 states that “Italy repudiates war as an instrument of attack on the freedom of other peoples and as a means of resolving international disputes; allows, on conditions of equality with other States, the limitations of sovereignty necessary for a system that ensures peace and justice between Nations; promotes and encourages international organizations aimed at this purpose.”

Exposing the raiders of the San Marco Battalion in a blow-up in a war action is against the Constitution.

We are issuing, as the NoG7 Puglia Coordination Table, a warning to the Ministry of Defense to immediately cover up this shameful insult.

No one in Brindisi, neither politicians nor citizens, appreciated this advertising surprise, which will remain even after the G7.
For example, the Navy could have put up a photo of the aid brought to the Afghan populations on a peacekeeping mission… We also have the UNHCR base on the road to San Vito, which brings humanitarian aid to refugees.
And this blow-up is located right next to the center for refugees in Via Prov.le San Vito, people who have fled the wars.

A real shame.

And the city will be locked down on June 13th, with great inconvenience: will businesses in the red zone be able to work? Will residents be able to go to work or leave home? Airport blocked, armored port, gates to the city closed. Nothing is yet known from the Prefecture. Some roads have been resurfaced, it’s true, but for Brindisi there is no further advantage from this mega-event wanted by some local politician.

On 3 and 4 June there will be a ban on parking along the entire Via Carmine, let’s hope that no one will think of asphalting it, with the ancient Roman chianches of the Via Appia Antica.

We invite all citizens on 13 June, the evening of the G7 Dinner in Brindisi, to participate in the International Conference on Energy and Climate Change at the MediaPorto, Provincial Library, Viale Commenda, and in the evening from 6pm to Counter-Dinner of the G7 of the Poor in Brindisi, Piazza Vittoria, 8.00 pm.

And then on June 15th in Fasano, 3.00 pm, departure from Piazza Palmina Martinelli: national unified demonstration against the G7 and warmongers.

Tavolo di Coordinamento NoG7 Puglia

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