Borgo Egnazia

Tavolo Regionale di Coordinamento No G7

G7 dinner in Brindisi: nothing but development! Only inconvenience and embarrassment

The inaugural dinner of the G7 at the Castello Svevo in Brindisi on 13 June is truly a slap in the face to our city. The Big 7 plus the other 15 leaders are as unpresentable as the Arab emirs and the Saudi prince for violations of human rights and because they are engaged in the war in Yemen with thousands of women and children killed; Zelenski who only wants weapons to start the third world war against Russia; Turkish President Erdogan and his war against Kurdish women and children; dictators like Indian, Algerian president, other dubious African characters. They will all be at the table of a sumptuous dinner hosted by the President of the Republic Mattarella and the President of the Council of Ministers Meloni. A dinner with bloody hands paid for by us citizens.

The Big 7 will come to talk about wars and weapons in Brindisi, which is a city of peace, from which dozens of peace missions have departed and is the headquarters of the UNHCR, the humanitarian missions of the United Nations.

They will come to talk about how to stop migration and the project to deport immigrants to the CPR of Albania, when Brindisi is a reception city, which welcomed tens of thousands of Albanian brothers and sisters in 1991.

There will be many inconveniences already announced by the Prefecture with the establishment of the red zone: ban on pedestrian transit, but nothing is said about the losses of commercial establishments. The restaurants and pubs on the Lungomare and Casale will be closed on the evening of the 12th, and for lunch and dinner on the 13th, because the curfew starts from midnight: 3 services missed, without any refreshments.

What do the people of Brindisi gain from this G7? Canceled flights, stopped ferries, the port blocked by aircraft carriers, Via Spalato destined for the police, as well as a 3000-seater cruise ship: will the police eat an ice cream in the streets of Brindisi? No, I'm on permanent duty.

An unfortunate tourist who arrives in Brindisi in those days is doomed.

And Brindisi will certainly be remembered as the city of the G7 of the year 2024, a G7 in which it will be decided to continue with the wars, increase spending on weapons, perhaps the G7 of the Third World War and the new colonialism of the Mattei Plan. Nothing good!

It could have gone differently: the G7 of peace, with the Pope invited to talk about peace and migration, not Artificial Intelligence. It could have been an opportunity for the Big Ones to stop all wars, talk about the climate emergency, a topic absent from the G7, to envision a better world.

It's true, they asphalted Via Provinciale San Vito and some other roads used by the 7 big names in record time, then that ugly canvas praising the war on the former Saca which doesn't beautify the city at all, and Viale Aldo Moro which isn't passable in bike and now not even on foot.

We invite everyone, on foot of course, on June 13th at 6.00 pm in Piazza Vittoria, which is not a red zone, to the Cena dei Poveri, with frize, couscous and wine and a ballad in pizzica time, for peace, the rights of peoples and against these Great 7 who claim to decide the fate of the world and our planet.

We oppose all this. And we are the 99 percent.

Angelo Gagliani per il

Tavolo di Coordinamento NoG7 Puglia.

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