The "NOG7 Coordination Table organizes the memory of the migrant victims in the Mediterranean on the day of the sinking of the Albanian ship Kater I Rades, which occurred on 28 March 1997.
- 28 March 1997 the "state massacre" of Albanian refugees in the Otranto canal
- 28 March 2024, the "State deportation" of migrants, in the Albanian CIE.
- Brindisi, 28 March 2024, 4.00 pm, throwing flowers into the sea in the port of Brindisi
At 5.30 pm moment of discussion at the old Social Center in via Santa Chiara (near Piazza Duomo) on immigration and new centers in Albania with:
-Antonio Ciniero ,Università Lecce
-Giuseppina Roberti, comitato 26 Febbraio strage di Cutro (in videoconferenza)
-Nicola Fratoianni, Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra (in videoconferenza)
-Antonio Camuso, Archivio storico Benedetto Petrone APS
Exhibition on Kater I Rades
27 years have passed since that tragic Good Friday in which, in an attempt to prevent its arrival in the port of Brindisi, the corvette Sibilla rammed and sank the Albanian ship Kater I Rades with over a hundred Albanian refugees, mostly women and children,. We defined it as a “State Massacre” because an entire political class was morally complicit and, across the board, made the issue of the fight against immigration the flag for the upcoming local elections. 27 years later, little has changed, except for the color of those who are in government today in Italy and in Europe, and who in the upcoming local and European elections want to prove themselves strong against the underprivileged fleeing from wars, hunger, environmental disasters, ethnic cleansing, rape and torture, and instead weak and complacent towards bloodthirsty dictators and heads of state. With the proclaimed agreements between the Meloni government and the Albanian government, to establish migrant repatriation centers in the homeland of the memorable Albanian emigration of March '91, the new European anti-migrant policies announced under the sign of the Giorgia Meloni/Ursula Von der duo were launched Leyen, with the stipulation of agreements with Al Sisi's Egypt, the Regeni case and the repression of the political opposition. Billions of euros, in exchange for the fight against migrants departing from the African coasts, which are promised in the name of a vaunted "Mattei plan" which should lovingly assist African countries in the fight against poverty, backwardness, etc. A "Mattei plan" which instead aims to ensure, after the sanctions against Russia, the certainty of the continuation of policies for the exploitation of African resources, such as oil and gas, which for Italy and Europe are and will be for a long time still indispensable to compete with new emerging nations.
The next G7, which in June, in our Puglia, will see the 7 Dwarfs of the Earth converge, will have among the topics addressed that of the fight against migrants, in a dark picture of the Third World War heralded by the violation of every human right, with the extermination of Palestinian civilians, by bombs or by starvation, in Gaza.
The Egyptian and Israeli fences and tanks that today prevent the Palestinians from fleeing from Gaza, the apartheid walls in the occupied West Bank or those erected on the border between Mexico and the United States, are the external aspect of that militarization and dehumanization of consciences that it wants to impose itself on the "right-thinking" public opinion of the West.
We must oppose this idea, in the name of the values of solidarity, hospitality and brotherly love between humans, a message that we will relaunch with alternative, pacifist and solidarity mobilisations, in June, here in Puglia as in the other places where the Italian-led G7 takes place.
28 March 2024, 4.00 pm, gardens of the port of Brindisi, throwing flowers into the sea. 5.30 pm assembly debate with exhibition on the Kater i Rades massacre at the former Santa Chiara convent, near the Duomo.
Brindisi 21.03.2024
For the tavolo di Coordinamento NOG7 Roberto Aprile, Ciccio Lussone, Cosimo Quaranta
Joint statement by:
Forum per cambiare l'ordine delle cose Provincia di Brindisi, Alma Terra, Gruppo Educhiamoci alla Pace ODV, Digiuno di Giustizia in solidarietà coi migranti, Asociazione Periplo ODV, Consiglio Italiano Rifugiati sede di Roma.
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