Borgo Egnazia

Tavolo Regionale di Coordinamento No G7

05/18: No to the Bridge of lies

No Bridge demonstration at Villa San Giovanni 18 May 2024

A delegation from the "No G7 Coordination Table" participated in the demonstration held on Saturday 18 May at Villa San Giovanni against the construction of the bridge over the strait; led by the Mayor of Villa San Giovanni and the movements of Calabria and Sicily, a very long procession began with thousands of people.
The speech from the stage of the "No G7 Coordination Table" reconfirmed the ancient participation in the struggles against the Bridge, the No Bridge-No-Tav twinnings and the construction of the then "Mutual Aid Pact" which also held meetings in Riace with the then Mayor Mimmo Lucano.
We have supported the need to resume a common thread against the great works resulting from a completely wrong development model, which are paired with the war economy which sees us on the threshold of a new world war.
Crossing the G7 to accumulate forces, start the construction of a common front as has happened in other moments of our history, because the commitments before us are of an exceptional nature.
The invitation is to participate in the initiatives in Puglia, in Fasano during the G7 days from 13 to 15 June, where we can meet to discuss the ministerial G7 which will take place in Villa San Giovanni on 16 and 17 July on the topic of Commerce; another important piece of the global economic conflict, to be achieved through the protectionist measures of the USA and surrounding areas.
The Government advertises in great detail, through its local emissaries who wanted it in Villa San Giovanni, the result of having managed to obtain financing to build the Bridge over the Strait and… many compensations.
The Bridge Problem is therefore not just a problem for Sicilians and Calabrians but for the entire country, with the great political and economic meanings it brings with it and as such it must be fought by everyone.
Brindisi 19.05.2024
Coordination Table No G7
For the Climate Out of Fossil

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