Borgo Egnazia

Tavolo Regionale di Coordinamento No G7

06/13: Brindisi: The Dinner of the Poor

The G7 representatives in Brindisi on the occasion of the inaugural dinner in the Svevo castle on Thursday 13 June are not welcome guests; theirs is a presence of war, death and destruction.

At the dinner of those who starve the world with wars and climate change The "NOG7 Coordination Table" will contrast the "Dinner of the poor" in Piazza Vittoria starting from 6.00 pm, of those who continue to believe in another possible world.

We invite everyone to participate on Thursday 13 June in Piazza Vittoria in Brindisi at 6.00 pm and in the procession in Fasano on 15 June with an appointment at 3.00 pm in Piazza Palmina Martinelli, to demonstrate opposition to the programs of war, death and destruction, of the G7 countries.

The "NOG7 Coordination Table" therefore invites everyone to participate in Piazza Vittoria in Brindisi starting from 6.00 pm with an assembly of the various movements that have joined, giving the floor first to the Palestinian and Kurdish representatives, to Alessandro Orsetti, Lorenzo's father died in Rojava (Syria) while fighting against ISIS. .

At 8.00 pm dinner with frize and couscous, and then closing with the pizzica by Alessandra Bellomo and her group.

During the three days of the G7 in Fasano, the "NoG7 Coordination Table" also organizes meetings and discussions on the topics that their gentlemen will discuss in Borgo Egnazia, the contents of which have become the protests that are crossing the planet; from wars and their use to reaffirm the economic superiority of the USA with the support of NATO, to the fake fight against climate change which is now preparing us for a further disaster by continuing to burn fossil fuels, from the fight against the poor by raising walls everywhere, to a made increasingly of chemistry and GMOs good only for their profits and causing serious damage to health.

In particular, NATO together with European ministers speak of an imminent third world war; NATO asks Italy to return to compulsory military service because… the next wars need millions of soldiers, technology is not enough; in short, we need cannon fodder.

They have already calculated that global rearmament is immediately worth 10,000 billion dollars, in short, an excellent deal.

Faced with all this, we cannot understand the enthusiasm of the local administrations on the possibility of welcoming events that in one way or another are harbingers of misfortune for the entire planet; we will continue to strenuously oppose it by participating in the demonstrations that will take place in Italy for the G7 ministerial meetings.

Per il “Tavolo di Coordinamento No G7” Roberto Aprile , Ciccio Lussone , Cosimo Quaranta

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