Borgo Egnazia

Tavolo Regionale di Coordinamento No G7

12/05 Fasano: Towards the G7: meeting with citizens
The NOG7 Coordination Table is organizing a public meeting in Fasano on Sunday 12 May at 6pm in Piazza Ciaia with the citizens of Fasano to discuss the G7 in June which will be held in Fasano on 13-14-15.

On that occasion the NOG7 Coordination Table organized a counter-summit in those days with 2 public initiatives:

-Thursday 13 June at 8pm in Piazza Vittoria in Brindisi there will be "the increasingly poorer dinner destined for the whole world" while at the Castello di Federico II there will be the dinner of the 7 Greats, organized by the Presidency of the Republic.

-Saturday 15 June at 3.00 pm in Fasano National Demonstration against the G7.

 Meanwhile, more and more citizens of Fasano have begun to ask themselves whether it is true that the G7 event is the international showcase of visibility that our administrators propose to us.

We welcomed with great satisfaction the proposal from Fasano citizens for a meeting aimed at calming things down because local newspapers and various politicians, through public interventions, are going in the opposite direction.

Even local politicians give interviews, while they themselves are involved with great responsibilities in the management of establishments linked to the Defense sector

These are trying to convince the citizens of Fasano not to participate in the demonstration that we are organizing on the afternoon of June 15th, fearing possible accidents.

Meanwhile we are witnessing that the Meloni government, with the consent of the opposition, is bringing us to the threshold of the Third World War; fueling the war in Ukraine where we send increasingly sophisticated weapons to Israel which is currently preparing the land invasion in Rafah in the Gaza Strip.
If our administrators boast that in the three days historic decisions will be made for humanity, we believe that those decisions will lead us to perpetual war, to an ever-increasing weakening of the subordinate classes and to continued subjection to US and Israeli policies, without forgetting the militarization of our region and of the entire Fasano territory.
We still don't know what the red zone will be, what will be expected of the activities that fall within the vicinity of the place where the G7 will take place. We are certain that the citizens of Fasano are not particularly happy with this event, which is why we want to discuss it with everyone.
Furthermore, with a view to organizing a demonstration in Fasano on 15 June, contrary to those who already foresee incidents, we want to encourage citizens, families and children to demonstrate in a peaceful way, demonstrating to the great people of the world that they are not welcome in our territory.
After the assembly with the citizens, we will also relaunch a regional assembly in the next few days with the participation of all the movements, parties and unions that oppose the G7.

Fasano 06.05.2024
For the “NOG7 Coordination Table Bobo Aprile, Ciccio Lussone, Cosimo Quaranta

Image created by IA